OAKWAY WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Oakway, SC Version 2.2, 29-Aug-2002, C140.TXT, C140 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Mrs. Cleo K. Gambrell, Church Historian TRANSCRIPTION .. : Cawthon Family at cawthoni@bellsouth.net in Aug-2002 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate intersection of Highways 11 and 24. Drive SW 2.6 miles on Highway 11. Turn right on Holleman Drive and drive S 0.1 miles. Latitude N 34 25.923 x Longitude W 83 00.732 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ There are two strong, thriving churches in the Oakway Community. One is the Bethel Baptist Church. Reverend Kirby C. Winstead, Sr. is the very able and capable pastor. Bethel Church is situated just a short way from Highway 24, out the road by the old Walker Bearden home. The other is the Oakway Wesleyan Church. It is on Highway 24 between Cross Roads-Tokeena Community and Westminster, SC. Another church is also located on Highway 24, the old Center United Methodist Church, where services are no longer held. This building has been recently refurbished. It is a beautiful white building, which stands on a staunch witness of respect for God. On April 12, 1893, the Reverend and Mrs. H.S. Abbott held a tent meeting in Oakway Community. As a result of this great revival, the Oakway Wesleyan Methodist church was organized. Later, when the Pilgrims and Wesleyans merged their churches, the name was changed to Oakway Wesleyan Church. The organization of the church took place on April 30, 1893 under a big oak tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cain. The thirty-four charter members paid Wesley Mason $8.00 rent until January 1, 1894 for the use of his store building. The Reverend W.H. King, the last charter member of Oakway Wesleyan and also of the SC Conference, passed away at age ninety. Reverend King's daughter, "Aunt Cleo" King Gambrell and her husband "Uncle Jake" are active members of this church. "Aunt Cleo" has been singing in the church choir since age five. The seventh generation Kings have worshipped at Oakway Wesleyan Church. Her great- grandmother, Mary King, was a charter member and probably her grandfather, Rodney King, since he was a member as well. Next is the Reverend Will King, her father. His son, William, was also a member. Buddy is William's son. He, along with his son, Gary, as well as Gary's daughter, Kelly and his son, Cody, all worshipped at Oakway Wesleyan. Four of these generations were present for the centennial service on May 16, 1993. A new building was begun in the fall 1893. Since the members had no money for glass windows, white muslin was used to cover the windows. Members brought in chickens and eggs to pay the pastor. By spring 1894, the new church building was completed - debt-free! The Reverend R.W. Parker was the first pastor. On January 21, 1899, the first Quarterly Conference of the circuit at Oakway paid a pastor's salary of $3.75; second quarter $2.50 and third quarter $3.25; with an annual total of $40.65. During the 1903 first quarterly conference, J.F. Mason and D.T. Cain were granted licenses to preach. In 1911, W.H. King and J.C. Cain were granted licenses to preach. In 1924, the church building was moved to the site of the old church and is being used as a fellowship building with spaces for Sunday School classes. Members and friends donated much of the labor for the first and other church buildings. In 1935, six classrooms were built, and others added in 1953. At a memorial service for C.C. Mason (Shirley M. Porter's father) who had served the church with honor as a trustee and Sunday School superintendent, $1,371.20 was given toward a parsonage. This house was sold later and the present parsonage was built in 1957. For many years, the Oakway Wesleyan Church has had a strong Sunday School, Women's Missionary Organization, Youth Group, and more than one Children's organization. Twelve former members became ministers of the Gospel: D.T. Cain, W.H. King, J.F. Mason, Tom Putnam, Will Gibson, George Price, Colonel Chastain, Nettie Hanvey, and T.C. Childs. Mrs. Bessie (Kindley) Poole was a member who became a missionary. On January 16, 1983, with 100 persons present, the church voted unanimously to proceed with the building plans presented by the building committee, composed of Paul Scarbrough, Chairman, Stanley Cannon, Jack Spearman, and Jake A. Gambrell. On May 29, 1983, the annual homecoming was held in the new building, which was only "dried in". About five thousand dollars was the offering that day. On October 30, 1983, the celebration of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Jake and Cleo Gambrell was held. Then, on November 27, 1983, David and Ophelia Pitts celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in the new building. These two couples have recently celebrated their sixty-first anniversaries. All four of them, along with their families, have contributed many years of service to Oakway Wesleyan Church and are still active members. The present pastor is the Reverend J. Willett Vess. He and his wife, Mary Nell, are providing excellent leadership for the church. "To God be the Glory" for every soul who has been saved at Oakway Wesleyan Church and the ones influenced for good by the church, and for ones who have gone out, and are going out, as witnesses for God. TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ABEL, Annis, b. 13-sep-1846, d. 24-feb-1916 ABLES, Eliza, b. 11-apr-1848, d. 23-apr-1942 ANDERSON, Claude, b. dec-15-1914 in toccoa, d. jan-25-1987, on double headstone with matilda king anderson., p. james elbert and lula sullens anderson ANDERSON, Senna Matilda King, b.24-apr-1916, d.16-may-2000, h. claude, p. robert leonard & minnie kinsey king ARGO, John Henry, b. aug-23-1898 in danielsville georgia, d. jan-2-1989, on double headstone with queen victoria burns argo; p. dave and margaret jane wallace argo ARGO, Queen Victoria, b. jul-25-1900, d. jul-20-1978, on double headstone with john henry BAGWELL, George W., b. 24-feb-1894, d. 3-dec-1941, a. 46y 10m 8d BAGWELL, Glenn M., b. 6-apr-1923, d. 31-may-1936, a. 12y 11m 24d, also here george w & mamie m bagwell BAGWELL, Mamie M., b. 25-dec-1893, d. 22-dec-1960, a. 66y 11m 27d BANKS, Gertrude B., b. 31-jan-1914, d. 16-sep, 1964, a. 50y 4m 9d BEARDEN, Alma King, b. 28-apr-1923, d. 15-oct-1994, a. 71y 5m 16d, p. rbt. leonard & minnie kinsey king, h. rbt. rudolph bearden,* did not see this marker BEARDEN, Baby boy, b. 1952, d. 1952 BEARDEN, James M., b. 18-jul-1941, d. no date of death, double marker with martha l bearden BEARDEN, James Paul, b. 21-nov-1981, d. 21-nov-1981 BEARDEN, Lizzie D., b. 17-feb-1925, d. no date of death BEARDEN, Martha L., b. 16-dec-1944, d. no date of death, double marker with james m bearden BEARDEN, Marvin Rudolph, b. 22-mar-1941, d. 20-dec-1992, a. 51y, p. rbt. rudolph bearden, w. shirley lee stamper bearden BEARDEN, Melvin, b. 19-dec-1919, d. 21-oct-1971, a. 51y 10m 3d, double marker with lizzie d bearden BEARDEN, Rudolph, b. 7-jun-1922, d. 19-nov-1982, a. 60y 5m 12d, wife alma king bearden,*did not see this marker BEARDEN, Sherry Lynn, b. 20-jun-1968, d. 20-jun-1968, a. 1d, *did not see this marker BEARDEN, Thomas O., b. 1-nov-1882, d. 2-jan-1914, a. 31y 2m 1d, *did not see this marker BLACK, Isaac Bennett, b.1859, d.18-jan-1929, double marker with mary jane BLACK, Mary Jane, b.1860, d.23-jan-1941, double marker with isaac bennett black BOGGS, Baby, no dates BOGGS, Baby, no dates BOLT, Larry L., no dates BRIGHT, Elizabeth Mary Lou, b. 3-nov-1939, d. 7-dec-1939; on single headstone; says dtr. of mr. & mrs. l.l. bright; also here: loyd leslie bright jr. BRIGHT, Loyd Leslie, Jr., b. 15-dec-1941, d. 18-dec-1941; on single headstone; says son of mr. & mrs. l. l. bright; also here: elizabeth mary lou BROWN, Edna Mae, b. 6-jul-1925, d.no date inscribed on marker, on double headstone with tannie g BROWN, George B., b. 10-may-1901, d. 22-jun-1953,; on double headstone with lillie mae b BROWN, Hattie Elizabeth, b. 29-jan-1879, d. 19-jun-1963; on single headstone; buried in r. franklin brown plots, *did not see this marker BROWN, Lillie Mae B., b. 1-aug-1908, d. 6-jul-1949; on double headstone with geo. b BRYANT, Elijah H., b. 9-may-1927, d. 10-may-1927, inf son of elijah h & bertha s bryant BROWN, Tannie G., b. 16-jun-1921, d. 3-aug-1982; on double headstone with edna mae BURDETT, M. Clifton, b. 16-may-1878, d. 20-apr-1928, double marker with mary jane burdett BURDETT, Mary Jane, b. 10-aug-1877, d. 10-jun-1951, double marker with m clifton burdett BURDETTE, John Lee, b. 1912, d. 15-dec-2002, a. 89 yrs, w. octavia edge burdette, p. beman & lou burdette BURDETTE, Lizzie E., b. 1903, d. 1957, funeral marker only, next to ruby nell BURDETTE, Ruby Nell, b. 1935, d. 1955, funeral marker only, next to lizzie e BURNS, Bud, b. 1836, d. 1917, in same plot as price a & mary j burns BURNS, Guynell S., b. 28-nov-1915, d. no date of death, h. homer c burns BURNS, Homer C., b. 14-feb-1903, d. 13-mar-1994, w. guynell burns, p. price & mary jane king burns BURNS, Inf daughter, b. 1936, d. 1936, p. mr & mrs h c burns BURNS, Mary Jane, b. 24-sep-1882, d. 17-may-1955, h. price a burns BURNS, Price A., b. 9-aug-1874, d. 3-nov-1954, w. mary jane burns, also here is bud burns BUSHA, Cora S., b. 28-jun-1886, d. 22-mar-1949, double marker with john a busha BUSHA, John A., b. 4-sep-1882, d. 24-feb-1951, double marker with cora s busha CAIN, A.V., b. 1892, d. 1952, single headstone beside anna g, next to guy & frank CAIN, Anna G., b. 1892, d. 1951, on single headstone beside a.v. CAIN, Burell W., b. 16-nov-1882, d. 28-jun-1960, buried in richard cain plots CAIN, Deveser Swift, b. 3-mar-1898, d. 30-aug-1920, single headstone, says wife of dock cain CAIN, Don T., Rev., b. 1866, d. 1943, on double headstone with easter c. CAIN, Earl H., b. 14-aug-1912, d. 1-oct-1912 CAIN Easter C., b. 1863, d. 1945, double marker with rev don t cain CAIN, Evie H., b. 8-aug-1878, d. 23-apr-1948, single headstone, buried in richard cain plots CAIN, Frank, b. 11-feb-1918, d. 25-may-1918, inf son of a v & anna cain CAIN, Guy, b. 27-aug-1927, d. 20-oct-1927, inf son of a v & anna cain CAIN, Henry, b. 10-may-1872, d. 3-may-1919 CAIN, Ida, M., b. 14-may-1915, d. 5-jun-1919, single headstone, buried in richard cain plots CAIN, Leanna, b. 17-aug-1845, d. 23-feb-1918, h. moses CAIN, M. F., b. 30-nov-1885, d. 18-may-1910, s/o moses & l. e CAIN, Moses, b. 17-nov-1830, d. 8-dec-1915, a. 86 yr 21 days, w. leanna, CAIN, Nancy Elizabeth Ausborn, b. 11-may-1878, d. 31-oct-1966,single headstone, buried in moses cain plots CAIN, R. M., b. 24-mar-1850, d. no date inscribed, w. sarah l CAIN, Richard, b. 4-may-1833, d. 12-oct-1915, single headstone, also here: rev. don t. & easter c. CAIN, Sarah L., b. 14-jul-1851, d. 3-oct-1918, double headstone with r. m. CAMPBELL, A. C., b. 21-oct-1933, d. 22-oct-1988, w. virginia nell king campbell CAMPBELL, Virginia Nell King, b. 17-jan-1935, d. no date of death, on small seperate stone "m. 8-mar-1952,", h. a c campbell CARROL, Eva F., b. 17-sept-1911, d. no date inscribed, dbl. headstone with geo. c CARROL, George C., b. 12-jan-1912, d. 23-jul-1979, dbl. headstone with eva f., also here: martha ann CARROL, Martha Ann, b. & d. 11-nov-1934, buried in geo. c. carrol plots CARROL, Minnie, b. 1876, d. 1951, single headstone, buried in thomas (bill) carrol plots CARROL, Thomas (Bill), b. 1846, d. 1928, single headstone, also here: minnie; note: wife, carolina hannah heller carroll CARROLL, Belton John, b. 1922, d. 1978, burried in lester l. carroll plots CARROLL, Clarah L., b. 5-apr-1913, d. 11-dec-1920, d/o j.c. (james clifton) & m.l. carroll CARROLL, Claudie C., b. 2-jun-1917, d. 8-apr-1919, s/o j.c. & m.l. carroll CARROLL, Della M., b. 17-apr-1884, d. 29-mar-1956, single headstone, buried in john p. carroll plots CARROLL, Genell R., b. 9-feb-1911, d. 17-may-1911, d/o irving & annie CARROLL, Georga A. Grant, b. 18-nov-1866, d. 22-jun-1922, dbl. headstone with husband john p. CARROLL, Henry B., b. 14-oct-1897, d. 14-jul-1899, s/o j.p. & m.e., buried in john p. carroll plots CARROLL, Irving R., b. 25-mar-1886, d. 27-aug-1972, single headstone, buried in john p. carroll plots CARROLL, James Clifton, b. 4-jan-1880, d. 7-apr-1953, single headstone beside wife minnie l. simpson carroll, also here: claudie c., clarah l., martha isabelle brock carroll (wife) CARROLL, John P., b. 15-aug-1845, d. 19-jul-1924, dbl. headstone with wife mary e. hobson carroll, says: a confederate veteran; also here: henry b., della m., irving r. CARROLL, John P., b. 15-nov-1860, d. 19-jun-1928, dbl. headstone with wife georga a. grant carroll CARROLL, Julia Smith, b. 9-oct-1888, d. 14-jan-1959, dbl. headstone with lester l. CARROLL, Lester L., b. 19-dec-1888, d. 29-jul-1959, dbl. headstone with julia smith carroll, also here: belton john carroll CARROLL, Martha Isabelle Brock, b. 30-apr-1875, d. 29-oct-1940, single headstone beside husband james clifton CARROLL, Mary E. Hobson, b. 31-jan-1858, d. 16-dec-1934, dbl. headstone with husband john p. CARROLL, Minnie L. Simpson, b. 15-jun-1879, d. 7-oct-1920, single headstone beside husband james clifton CHAPPELEAR, Fred P., b. 18-mar-1898, d. 20-apr-1950, single headstone, also here: marguret l. & rbt. h. CHAPPELEAR, Marguret L., b. 25-jul-1922, d. 17-aug-1923, also here: fred p. & rbt. h CHAPPELEAR, Robert H., b. 3-mar-1919, d. 16-jun-1920, also here is fred & marguret COBB, Louise, b. 4-sep-1913, d. 31-jul-1915, p. j h & w q cobb CONNALEY, Celey McDonald*, b. 1866, d. 1941, on funeral marker only beside rufus l., sr.; *connaley on her marker, but as connally on others here CONNALLY, Charles Ray, Sr., b. 29-aug-1937, d. 15-feb-1989, augusta, ga, w. sonja linda ballew connally; s/o john thomas & gennie haney connally, pvt us army CONNALLY, John Thomas, b. 8-dec-1911, d. 4-jan-1997, w. gennie haney connally; s/o wm. thomas & martha jane dickerson connally, pfc us army wwII CONNALLY, Martha D., b. 17-feb-1894, d. 11-jun-1970, dbl. headstone with wm. t. CONNALLY, Rufus L., Sr., b. 15-jun-1913, d. 12-feb-1975, military marker: tec 5 pfc us army; also here: celey mcdonald connaley (as written) CONNALLY, Sally Mae, b. 22-jan-1915, d. 30-may-1924, single headstone, buried in wm. t. connally plots CONNALLY, William Austin, b. 22-dec-1918, d. 10-oct-1936, single headstone, buried in wm. t. connally plots CONNALLY, William T., b. 20-jan-1886, d. 7-jan-1933, dbl. headstone with martha d.; also here: sally mae & wm. austin connally CORNELLIA, James Louie, b. 1910c, d. 14-jul-1992, w. nancy talley cambell, p. james thompson & janie cornellia,*no marker seen CRAIN, Roxie M., b. 1886, d. 1911 CROCKER, Etter, b. 25-jul-1881, d. 11-feb-1944, single headstone beside robert l CROCKER, Robert L., b. 1881, d. 1925, single headstone, next to etter crocker DUNCAN, Abrey C., b. 1924, d. 1985, next to cleveland duncan & essie j duncan DUNCAN, Cleveland Leonard, b. 1916, d. 26-jul-1991, p. john wesley & essie DUNCAN, Essie J., b. 14-feb-1879, d. 23-mar-1958, abrey duncan and cleveland duncan next to her ELROD, David D., b. 29-jan-1872, d. 27-mar-1956, double marker with mollie m herring elrod ELROD, Dock J., b. 8-feb-1869, d. 27-jan-1930, buried beside minnie h, also here iris elrod ELROD, Geagle, b. 9-jun-1903, d. 27-jul-1904, p. r.e. & m.m. elrod ELROD, Gideon, b. 1892, d. 1960, double marker with lois l elrod ELROD, Iris, b. 20-may-1911, d. 22-jun-1912, p. d.j. & m.l. elrod ELROD, Lizzie, b. may 1910, d. may 1911, p. dock & minnie elrod? an unsure of the dates and name..stone worn & difficult to read ELROD, Lois Lane, b. 1903, d. 22-feb-1989, h. gideon elrod, p. james william & lillian banks lane ELROD, Minnie H., b. 17-jan-1877, d. 30-mar-1970, buried beside dock j ELROD, Molly M. Herring. Mrs., b. 8-jan-1874, d. 24-apr-1958, double marker with david d elrod ELROD, Ozzie, b. 1-may-1910, d. 11-may-1911, p. d.d. & m.m. elrod, *did not see marker GALLOWAY, Christine Sanders, b.1-apr-1897, d.6-sept-1922, h. j.l. galloway GAMBRELL, Carlton Lake, b.11-june-1923, d.9-aug-1992, w. mary ann nicholson gambrell, p. patrick henry & lillie may barker gambreee (gambreee as on card), GAMBRELL, James Franklin, b. 23-jan-1917, d. 17-apr-2000, single marker, p. patrick henry & lillie mae barker gambrell GAMBRELL, Lillie Mae B., b.26-may-1894, d.25-sept-1985, p. wm. price & martha sims barker, h. patrick henry gambrell GAMBRELL, Mary Ann N., b. 13-jun-1938, d. no date of death, double marker with carlton l gambrell GAMBRELL, P. Henry, b.28-oct-1882, d.19-june-1952, double marker with lillie mae b GLENN, Baby Girl, b. 23-oct-1974, d. 23-oct-1974, single marker GOODMAN, Alfred Orr, b.21-sept-1898, d.20-dec-1956, double marker with hattie lee n GOODMAN, Hattie Lee N., b.26-jan-1900, d.16-june-1965, double marker with alfred orr goodman GOSNELL, Kathleen P., b. 1-apr-1917, d. no date of death, in same plot as walter guinn parson GRAHAM, Irene Cain, b. 23-feb-1895, d. 11-mar-1932, h. miledge t graham GRANT, Adger Phillip, b.9-aug-1906, d.9-june-1983, p. noah preston & clara florence hembree grant, w. mertice estelle carroll grant, also inf son GRANT, Albert W., b. 18-jun-1909, d. 8-mar-1995, double marker with nancy b grant GRANT, Infant son, 18-jun-1931, only date, inf son of adger & mertice grant GRANT, Mertice Estelle Carroll, b. 17-jun-1908, d.2-july-1999, p. sam a. & annie fricks carroll, h. adger phillip grant GRANT, Nancy Isabell Bice, b. 11-sep-1908, d. 19-jun-2001, a.92 yrs, h. albert w grant, p. richard grady & rosa lee crumpton bice GRAY, C.S., b.1870, d.1948, double marker with mary lou GRAY, Lewis, b.june-1924, d.oct-1926, beside lottie c. GRAY, Lottie C., b.25-nov-1898, d.2-july-1963, beside lewis GRAY, Mary Lou, b.1870, d.1943, double marker with c.s GRAY, Robert W., b.24-nov-1897, d.22-aug-1966, unsure of these dates, marker has been reinscribed over original HANVEY, J. Henry, b.1903, d.1973 ,* marker not found HANVEY, Susan N., b.1865, d.1938, double marker with thomas w,*did not find marker HANVEY, Thomas W.,b.1867, d.1938, double marker with susan n,*did not find marker HANVEY, William D., b.29-july-1884, d.28-jan-1937,*did not find marker HARDEN, F. M. b. 8-apr-1860, d. 1-may-1918 HARDEN, James A., b.23-dec-1878, d.26-jan-1965, double marker with lillie s, also here mamie harden, julia h meredith HARDEN, Lillie S., b.5-june-1886, d.4-apr-1966, double marker with james a HARDEN, Mamie, b.28-jan-1887, d.20-nov-1967, double marker with sister julia h. meredith HAULBROOK, Carl Edwin, b.3-june-1920, d.6-sept-1923 HAULBROOK, M. Elizabeth, b.1838, d.6-aug-1909, h. j.w. haulbrook HAULBROOKS, David Orr, b.1860, d.1935, double marker with mary f HAULBROOKS, Mammie V., b.1871, d.1949, double marker with robert i HAULBROOKS, Mary F., b.1884, d.1955, double marker with david orr haulbrooks HAULBROOKS, Robert L., b.1875, d.1927, double marker with mammie v HAWKINS, Mona E., b.?, d. ?, funeral marker, unable to read dates HAULBROOKS, Rudolph Eli, b.25-mar-1908, d.8-dec-1997, p. john & mamie vaughn haulbrooks, w. jessie blackwell haulbrooks, army vet WWII HAYNES, James H., b.15-mar-1886, d. 13-jul-1965, w. josie a haynes HERRING, J.M., b.7-july-1850, d.10-july-1901 HERRING, William E., b.1871, d.1963, HOWELL, Dorse V., b. 14-nov-1923, d. 29-apr-1926, single headstone, p. a.e. & ida howell HOWELL, Edward Jr., b. 10-apr-1918, d. 10-apr-1918, single headstone, p. a.e. & ida howell KINDLEY, J.H. Palmer, b.11-apr-1897, d.30-dec-1970, also here samuel p., william h., mary alice kindley KINDLEY, Mary Alice Shaw, b.15-sept-1868, d.8-june-1945, double marker with wm. henry KINDLEY, Samuel Paul, b.14-dec-1904, d.23-nov-1952, also here j h palmer, william h kindley KINDLEY, William Henry, b.3-jan-1862, d.4-oct-1941, double marker with mary alice shaw kinley, also here is j h palmer & samuel paul kindley KING, Arthur David, b.2-apr-1926, d.9-nov-1980, military marker: pfc us army korea, double marker with genevieve price king KING, Bobby Joe, b.1939C, d.8-july-1996, p. clyde b. & virginia honea king, w. nora alexander king, *did not find this marker KING, Charlotte Dianne, b. 17-feb-1954, d. 17-feb-1954, next to tommy eugene king KING, Clyde Butler, b.22-july-1919, d.2-nov-1968, next to virginia h king, vera sue & dorothy mae king here also KING, Cynthis M. b. 1916, d. 1993, double marker with robert h king KING, Dorothy Mae, b. 6-nov-1950, d. 7-nov-1950, p clyde b & virginia h king KING, Ed, b.16-jan-1862, d.25-apr-1942, w. lou KING, Emma H., b.29-apr-1883, d.29-apr-1952, beside j.w.s KING, Genevieve Price, b. 27-may-1927, d. no date of death, double marker with arthur d king KING, Gussie H., b.16-july-1882, d.17-aug-1960, double marker with rev. wm. h. king KING, Hubert L., b.24-nov-1915, d.14-oct-1916, p. j.l. & mattie king, buried in ran king plot KING, infant dtr. of W.H. & G.A., 25-oct-1906, only date KING, J.W.S., b.11-apr-1872, d.15-july-1943, beside emma h. and m delia king KING, James, 25-sep-1920, only date, hand made stone KING, James Andrew, b.11-dec-1893, d.16-june-1966, p. edd & lou smith king, 1st w. ida harbin king, 2nd w. margaret harbin king KING, Jessie W., b.1938, d.7-oct-1939, a. 1y 2m KING, John W., b.16-mar-1851, d.29-may-1908 KING, Levis E., b.25-jan-1910, d.10-june-1910, p. j.l. & mattie king (ran king plots) KING, Lou, b.18-nov-1866, d,13-jan-1941, h. ed king KING, M. Delia, b.7-july-1878, d.21-may-1906, h. j.w.s KING, Mary A., B.26-feb-1828, d.31-mar-1909, h. j h king KING, Matilda J., b.4-oct-1853, d.25-feb-1902, h. r.w. KING, Mattie Timms, b.22-oct-1890, d.30-sept-1960, h. ran king KING, Minnie K., b.10-mar-1897, d.18-feb-1960, double marker with r. leonard king KING, Nora Beatrice Alexander, b.1940c, d.8-nov-2000, h. bobby joe king, p. henry daniel & lessie fields alexander,*did not find this marker,(source A.I. 11-10-2000 edition) KING, R. Leonard, b.18-july-1891, d.27-feb-1938, double marker with minnie k. KING, R.W., b.18-feb-1854, d.24-feb-1933, w. matilda j. KING, Ran, b.21-july-1888, d. 19-jun-1966, w. mattie timms king KING, Reginal C., b. 4-apr-1925, d. no date of death, double marker with h. warren g king KING, Robert Henry, b.1918, d.18-oct-1983, p. rbt leonard. & minnie kinsey king, w. cynthia may morris king KING, Sallie Virgnia Honea, b.14-may-1918, d.29-oct-1997, p. luther & minnie waldrop honea, h. clyde b. king (virgnia as on card) KING, Sherry M., b.10-mar-1972, d.10-mar-1972, *did not see this marker KING, T.S., b.15-aug-1907, d.5-may-1928, p. j.l. & mattie king, buried in ran king plots KING, Tommy Eugene, b. 26-jan-1960, d. 17-oct-1961, next to charlotte d king KING, Vera Sue, b. 25-mar-1942, d. 25-mar-1942, p clyde b & virginia h king KING, Warren G. Harding, b.17-feb-1922, d.25-may-1989, p. robert leonard & minnie kinsey king, w. reginald gambrell king, s sgt u s army vet WWII KING, William H., Rev., b.21-mar-1878, d.30-june-1968, double marker with gussie h LAY, Clyde Freeman, b.1952C, d.12-july-1983, p. daniel wm. & nettie kate tinsley lay, born in oconee co., killed in car accident with brother john sam lay,*did not see this marker LAY, Daniel William, b.1922C, d.12-mar-1996, p. charles freeman & frances mae hudson lay, w. nettie kate tinsley lay, army vet WWII,*did not see this marker LAY, Elizabeth, b.17-sept-1946, double marker with john frank lay,*did not see this marker LAY, John Frank, b.29-mar-1944, d.28-aug-1972, double marker with elizbeth,*did not see this marker LAY, John Sam, b.1955C, d.12-july-1983, p. daniel wm. & nettie kate tinsley lay, w. deborah turner lay,*did not see this marker LAY, Nettie Kate Tinsley, b.1925C, forsyth co., ga, d.21-mar-1987, p. clyde w. & ethel lamb tinsley, h. daniel william lay,*did not see this marker LEIGHTON, Lou Smith, b.22-aug-1890, d.7-feb-1955 LOGGINS, Samantha Louise, b. 27-dec-1994, d.1-feb-2001, p. carl loggins & rhonda jean connally LYLES, Allie B., b.17-aug-1903, d.5-may-1952 LYLES, Robert Lee, b. 1899, d. 1968, single marker MASON, Birdie Mae Sanford (paper says rothell but was a sanford), b.28-aug-1944, d.28-aug-1990, p. ruby sandford rothell, h. curtis cromer mason jr MASON, Blanche B., b.15-apr-1905, double marker with waymon w,*did not see this marker MASON, Curtis C., b.12-oct-1895, d.26-mar-1954, double marker with mattie may n MASON, Curtis Cromer, Jr., b.5-may-1926, d.12-jan-1996, p. c.c. & mattie mae mason, w. birdie mae sanford mason (paper had rothell, but was a sanford) MASON, Esther A. Myers, b.17-dec-1865, d.10-may-1929, double marker with james f MASON, James F., b.1-apr-1866, d.7-apr-1941, double marker with esther a. myers mason MASON, Mattie May N., b.4-may-1896, d.14-dec-1991, p. lee & lillie holden nicholson, h. curtis c. mason sr MASSEY, James Thomas, b.18-jan-1950, d.7-nov-1983, p. mr. & mrs. john e. massey, w. joann bearden massey MASSEY, Jo Ann Bearden, b. 6-may-1950, d. no date of death, double marker with james t massey, next to betty bearden shedd MASSEY, Tommy Allen, b.17-apr-1968, d.27-oct-1999, w. melissa ann burnett massey, mother & stpefather: ann massey kreitman & allan m. kreitman, father: james thomas massey MAULDIN, Julian Ray, b. 19-dec-1932, d. 17-apr-1983, w. vivian l mauldin McCLAIN, Arbray, b.15-apr-1929, d.9-apr-1930 McCLAIN, Arthemia, b.25-nov-1909, d.4-feb-1910, p. m.d. & pearl mcclain McCLAIN, Bertha S., b.8-june-1896, d.3-june-1942 McCLAIN, D.M., b.16-dec-1914, d.18-jan-1915, p. m.d. & pearl mcclain McCLAIN, Earnest, b.26-aug-1921, d.30-july-1922 McCLAIN, Paul, b.22-dec-1927, d.5-july-1928 McCLAIN, Pearl R., b.1889, d.1952, stone broken McDONALD, Henry Boyd, b.4-july-1886, d.20-sept-1957, double marker with lela smith mcdonald McDONALD, Henry Ottis, b.8-july-1908, d.16-jan-1909 McDONALD, Lela Smith, b.19-sept-1888, d. no date inscribed, double marker with henry boyd mcdonald MEREDITH, Julia H., b.22-oct-1881, d.8-may-1951, double marker with sister mamie harden MINYARD, Henry R., b.1913, d.1974, *did not see this marker MINYARD, Lucy T., b.12-feb-1876, d.3-nov-1960, double marker with w.v MINYARD, W.V., b.5-sept-1872, d. 28-dec-1966, double marker with lucy t. MOORE, Irene C., b.8-may-1897, d.16-sept-1980, beside troy m MOORE, Ligon C., b.1914, d.1961, also here is troy moore, sarah moore ramsey MOORE, Paul Phillips, b.6-aug-1902, d.16-jan-1984, p. john nevell & mary hettie lyles moore, w. alta lee gambrell moore, air force WWII MOORE, Troy M., b.22-june-1892, d.27-oct-1966, beside irene c, also here troy moore, sarah moore ramsey MORRIS, Jessie P., b.1900, d.1980 NALLEY, Charles W., Rev., b.15-june-1888, d.12-dec-1950, double marker with lillie carroll nalley NALLEY, Lillie Carroll, b.26-dec-1890, d.12-july-1981, double marker with rev. charles w NICHOLSON, Bertie A., b.11-nov-1906, d.2-may-1994, p. t.b. & mary annie grant ables, sr., double marker with h. wm. morgan nicholson NICHOLSON, John B., b.12-feb-1934, d.9-oct-1994, p. wm. morgan & bertie ables nicholson, w. louise whitman nicholson, also here john c nicholson NICHOLSON, John C., b. 29-mar-1960, d.29-nov-1979, stone says "son", next to john b & louise w nicholson NICHOLSON, Lee J., b.1860, d.1932, double marker with lillie t. NICHOLSON, Lillie T., b.1868, d.1945, double marker with lee j NICHOLSON, Louise W., b.18-apr-1935, double marker with john b NICHOLSON, William M., b.17-apr-1903, d.27-june-1990, p. lee jackson & lillie holden nicholson, w. bertie ables nicholson NICHOLSON, William P. "Bill", b.1911, d.29-apr-1995, p. carlos ira & zettie alexander nicholson, 1st w. eunice manley nicholson, 2nd w. hazel grantham nicholson,*didnot see this marker NORRIS, Grace M., 13-june-1916, only date, single marker O'SHIELDS, Ernest R., b.4-nov-1922, d.30-nov-1962, military marker: sc pfc co f. 334 inf WWII bsm-ph O'SHIELDS, Martha R., b.23-june-1888, d.7-apr-1953, double marker with tom a. o'shields O'SHIELDS, Tom A., b.20-july-1863, d.30-apr-1933, double marker with martha r., also here is pruney o'shilds OSHILDS, Pruney, b.29-may-1915, d.23-may-1915, (oshilds, as on stone, but in tom a. o'shields plot) OWENS, Horace J., b.4-feb-1905, d.14-july-1978, double marker with nellie c. owens OWENS, Jimmy Lynn, b.30-oct-1965, d.31-oct-1965 OWENS, Nellie C., b.22-feb-1907, d.29-june-1992, p. burrell w. & mary jane harbin cain, h. horace j. OWENS, Wilborn Eugene, b.19-nov-1927, d.7-dec-1968, military marker: us army korea PARSON, Eula Patterson, b.13-sept-1900, d.16-dec-1984, p. wm. leander & louana scarborough patterson, h. walter gwin (sic) parson, m. 15-aug-1915 PARSON, Gwendolyn, no dates, (note: no last name on stone but is buried in walter guinn parson plots) PARSON, Jeanette, no dates, (no last name on stone but is buried in walter guinn parson plots) PARSON, Walter Guinn, b.2-oct-1897, d.29-oct-1933, double marker with w. eula patterson parson, m. 15-aug-1915, also here is gwendolyn parson & kathleen p. gosnell PATTERSON, Coleman M., b.28-oct-1931, d.25-jan-1932 PATTERSON, James Ross, b.2-aug-1929, d.29-sept-1929 PITTS, Clara S., b.29-sept-1911, d.13-aug-1993, p. john a. & maude richardson campbell, h. wm. lee pitts PITTS, Dallas C., b.15-july-1939, d. no date of death inscribed, double marker with mary f PITTS, Mary Lou F., b.7-jan-1931, d.4-feb-1967, double marker with dallas c PITTS, Mattie H., b.26-feb-1896, d.3-june-1989, p. rbt. I. & mamie vaughn haulbrooks, h. warren c. pitts PITTS, Warren C., b.8-jan-1890, d.6-sept-1968, double marker with mattie h. pitts PITTS, William L., b.21-june-1917, d.24-aug-1981, double marker with clara s. pitts PRICE, George W., Rev., b.9-dec-1869, d.16-jan-1944, w. m. eugenia hall price PRICE, M. Eugenia Hall, b.12-jan-1875, d.3-sept-1928, h. rev. geo. w RAMSEY, Sarah Moore, b.30-nov-1922, d.18-dec-1952, same plot as troy & ligon moore RAPE, Eva M., b.31-july-1888, d.27-dec-1967 RICHARDSON, Alonzo Bub, b. 24-nov-1910, d. 30-mar-1981, double marker with grace h richardson RICHARDSON, Alvin, b.13-feb-1916, d.14-feb-1916, p. p.r. & e.m. richardson RICHARDSON, Barbara Ann, b 20-.aug-1952, d. 15-sept-1952 RICHARDSON, Edward "Pee Wee", b. 3-mar-1937, d. 4-apr-1997 RICHARDSON, Emma, b.1876, d.1962, double marker with perry RICHARDSON, Glenn, b.1-apr-1917, d.6-may-1917, p. p.r. & m.r. richardson RICHARDSON, Grace Houston, b.13-apr-1920, d.10-dec-1999, h. alonzo richardson, p. sam & ruby abercrombie houston RICHARDSON, Hattie, b.14-sept-1885, d,30-nov-1917, h. r.r. richardson RICHARDSON, Infant son, 1929, only date, p. lc richardson, next to lucy c richaardson & hattie richardson RICHARDSON, Keaford, b.19-aug-1940, d.26-apr-1941, p. mr. & mrs. w. r. richardson RICHARDSON, L.C., 1929, infant, only date RICHARDSON, Lola Pressley, b.1898, d.31-july-1995, p. jim & annie gilbert pressley, h. riley richardson, funeral marker only RICHARDSON, Lucy C., b.1911, d.1935 RICHARDSON, Mary, b.11-mar-1852, d.14-june-1913 RICHARDSON, Perry, b.1877, d.1934, double marker with emma RICHARDSON, Richard, b.19-apr-1903, d.20-june-1908 RICHARDSON, Virginia C Odell.,b. 29-jul-1915, d. 14-sep-1982, beside wm RICHARDSON, W. Riley, b.22-june-1877, d.26-aug-1947, next to lola p richardson RICHARDSON, William "Dick", b. 24-jul-1913, d. 15-jul-1916, beside va. c ROACH, Betty L., b.3-july-1946, d.4-july-1946 ROACH, Clyde, b.21-july-1922, double marker with hazel roach ROACH, Hazel, b.31-dec-1915, d.21-sept-1972, double marker with clyde ROBERSON, John, b.1883, d.11-feb-1945 ROBERSON, Lonie L., b.27-may-1914, d.25-oct-1918, p. john & c.e. roberson ROBINSON, Leonard L., b. 29-dec-1909, d. 10-jul-1998, double marker with margaret d robinson ROBINSON, Margaret D., b. 11-sep-1919, d. no date of death inscribed, double marker with leonard l robinson RUCKER, Junior, b.8-aug-1927, d.17-oct-1928, p. j.g. & ruby rucker SANDERS, Mary F. Ables, b. 22-nov-1856, d. no date of death inscribed, double marker with simon p sanders SANDERS, Maud E., b. 20-apr-1881, d. 17-aug-1910, p. sp & mf sanders SANDERS, Simon P., b. 21-mar-1856, d. 14-dec-1922, double marker with mary f ables sanders SAVAGE, Jim Roy, b.1914, d.1945, military marker; sc s2c usnr WWII SAVAGE, Lee A., b.6-june-1879, d.31-mar-1958, double marker with walter a SAVAGE, Oscar D., b.1909, d.1951,* did not find this marker SAVAGE, Walter A., b.22-apr-1889, d.18-july-1958, double marker with lee a, also here 2 graves marked by stones and jim roy savage SCHOEN, Cordelia Taylor, b. 23-mar-1924, d. no date of death, h. philip schoen SCHOEN, Philip, b.15-may-1922, d.14-mar-1989, p. john & mary hannahan schoen, w. cordelia taylor schoen, sc 3 us navy wwII SHEDD, Betty Bearden, b.6-may-1944, d. no date of death, double marker with charles h shedd, also here is jo ann bearden massey SHEDD, Charles H., b. 2-aug-1940, d. 9-jan-1997, double marker with betty bearden shedd SHERIFF, Blanche S.,b.1896, d.10-oct-1987, p. doyle benjamin & ida jane smith, h. charlie bond sheriff SHERIFF, Charlie B., b.1895, d.1964, double marker with blanche s. sheriff SHERIFF, Charlie B., Jr., b.1936, d.1940, next to frances sheriff SHERIFF, Frances, b.1931, d.1937 SHERIFF, Giles Lamar, 22-jan-1942, only date, infant of hoyt & louise sheriff SHERIFF, Hoyt J., b.27-mar-1919, d.31-may-1980, military marker: s2 us navy WWII SMITH, Alonzo, b.27-jan-1894, d.29-jan-1960, military marker: sc pvt 3 corps arty park WWI SMITH, Belton C., b.1-apr-1906, d.20-sept-1926, double marker with ruby willimon smith SMITH, Dorcas E., b.2-aug-1867, d.4-mar-1919, h. a.l. smith SMITH, Emerline Cox, b.1866, d.1941, double marker with j. roland smith SMITH, Huldey, Mrs., b.1819, d.1909, *did not see this marker SMITH, J. Roland, b.1859, d.1935, double marker with emerline cox smith SMITH, Jeff Dixie, b.1881, d.1972 SMITH, L.J., b.23-jan-1862, d.3-jan-1904 SMITH, Lafayette, no dates, funeral marker SMITH, Martha Clay Bearden, b. 26-oct-1942, d. 16-sep-1997 SMITH, Martha E., b.28-sept-1862, d.7-apr-1948, double marker with rbt. m SMITH, Martha Elaine, b.1939, d.1939, also here is rosser & roy SMITH, Robert M., b.27-mar-1858, d. 11-may-1930, double marker with martha e SMITH, Rosser T., b.1929, d.1929, next to martha & roy SMITH, Roy, b.1933, d.1933, next to martha & rosser SMITH, Ruby Willimon, b. 22-feb-1908, d.27-june-1941, double marker with belton c. SMITH, Walter C., 14-jan-1936, military marker: sc pvt 5 inf 6 div, only date SMITH, William, b.1935, d.1935, * did not see this marker SNIPES, Annie King, b.27-jan-1876, d.19-mar-1930, h. john robert snipes SNIPES, John Robert, b. 1-dec-1877, d. 20-apr-1934, next to annie king snipes SOSEBEE, Lillian S., b. 25-sep-1915, d. 26-may-1916, p. lj & ac sosebee SPURLOCK, Anna Louise, b. 1-jun-1930, d. 25-jan-1931, next to earl russell spurlock SPURLOCK, Earl Russell, b. 24-jun-1902, d. 19-oct-1966, beside vera c. spurlock, also here is anna louise spurlock SPURLOCK, Vera Cain, b. 10-may-1914, d. 3-may-1963, beside earl r. spurlock, STANCIL, Jack L., b.19-nov-1892, d.23-aug-1952, double marker with rena s. stancil STANCIL, Rena S., b.1-sept-1890, d. no date of death inscribed, double marker with jack l. stancil SWIFT, Nina Louise, b.18-mar-1916, d.18-july-1918, p. s.w. & s.c. swift TAYLOR, Ethel H., b.12-oct-1879, d.20-dec-1973, double marker with wm. l. taylor TAYLOR, William L., b.20-mar-1893, d.15-nov-1958, double marker with ethel h. taylor WALTERS, George, 1-may-1937, only date, military marker: sc pvt us army WATERS, Ollie Smith, b. 1906?, d. 1922, funeral marker only, marker difficult to read WHEELER, Elizabeth E., b. 1854, d. 1942 YARBOROUGH, Carl M., b. 6-apr-1916, d. 24-jun-1968, sc mm2 usnr wwII YARBOROUGH, Darwin, b. 12-aug-1917, d. 25-feb-1919 YARBOROUGH, Eunice Gray, b. 27-jun-1898, d. 24-jan-1986, next to c s & mary l gray YARBOROUGH, Henry Hoyt, b. 1899, d. 20-may-1931 YARBOROUGH, Leila Cain, b. 1-jan-1879, d. 8-aug-1858, double marker with thomas t. yarborough YARBOROUGH, Thomas T., b. 18-mar-1875, d. 11-aug-1937, double marker with leila cain yarborough, also here is carl m , w w , darwin, henry hoyt yarborough YARBROUGH, W.W., b. 19-apr-1903, d. 20-july-1932